Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Starting Week Four...sigh!

Hi guys! Well, here I am again! I never think to ask someone else to take pictures of me, and then I struggle trying to take them by myself. That's a hard thing to do, let me tell you! My arms aren't long enough to get everything in. In the picture above I was trying to fit my new cast into the picture too, but as you can see, it didn't work. I had the new cast put on last Tuesday when I went for my appointment. They took new x-rays and removed the staples from the surgical incision before putting a new cast on. The doctor said that everything look good. I could have picked all kinds of colors for this cast - green, pink, yellow, blue, red, or black. I really wanted orange for fall and Halloween, but they didn't have it, so I chose black. I think it looks okay. What do you think?
Here it is!
This is my buddy on most days. Do you remember me showing you pictures of my cat Cinder Ella when I did my Box Speech? Well, here she is! She keeps me company all day while my husband is at work. Most of the time she curls up in my lap if I'm sitting in the recliner, or she snuggles up next to me if I'm on the couch. I talk to her all day long, but she very rarely answers me back!

I hear good things from Mrs. Clark about what you're doing in class. I want you to keep up the good work! I can't believe it's the end of the six weeks already. Some time soon, we're going to set it up where we can talk to and see each other via the computers using Skype. That should be a lot of fun. Maybe a few of you can read me some of your work. You know how much I'd like that! I hope you enjoy your two days off and come back next week ready to work hard.
Well, I guess that's all for now. Be good and I'll write to you again soon.
Mrs. H.


Katelee said...

Hi, how are you doing? I chose to write about me and ,and cousin.My cousin was playing on his mom's bed and fell off the bed.The next week I found out he fractured his elbow. Then another time he fell out of a shopping cart and I almost caught him and landed on his head.I hope you come back soon!!!!! hope you have some FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! see YA soon.I chose this topic because I love my cousins.

Taylor said...

I think that Hope will be a famous writer when she grows up. I also think that the Maxwell family will forgive her and they will be friends. I think that she and her mom
Marianne will become very close. The tradition of the Christmas jars will continue
And her mom Marianne will also start the Christmas jar too. Adam’s business will
Probably continue and has been passed down to his wife. The next book will probably
Be about Hope and her mother Marianne. And about the Maxwell’s.

Taylor said...

I think that Hope will be a famous writer when she grows up. I also think that the Maxwell family will forgive her and they will be friends. I think that she and her mom
Marianne will become very close. The tradition of the Christmas jars will continue
And her mom Marianne will also start the Christmas jar too. Adam’s business will
Probably continue and has been passed down to his wife. The next book will probably
Be about Hope and her mother Marianne. And about the Maxwell’s.