Saturday, November 19, 2011

Pictures Painted With Words!

The ultimate goal of a writer is to use his words as a paintbrush to paint vivid pictures for the reader. They can be pictures of a character, a scene that's unfolding, or a special place in the story. These images are the basis for the movies that we create in our minds as we read.

Here is an excerpt from Winter Garden by Kristin Hannah where the author creates a vivid picture of one of the characters, Anya:

"Meredith saw the mess grief had made of her mother's beautiful face: it had sucked in her cheeks and made her bones appear more prominent; it had drawn the color from her skin until her flesh nearly matched her hair. Only her eyes-startlingly blue against all that pallor- held any semblance of who she'd been a month ago."

Now find an excerpt from your book where the author paints a vivid picture for the reader. Make sure you give credit for the work by mentioning the title of your book and the author!