Tuesday, September 29, 2009

More summary, please? #3

Ah, I hear you have been reading the story of the great war that Rikki-tikki-tavi fought single-handedly with Nag and Nagaina in the bathroom and garden of the big bungalow in Segowlee cantonment. And what a story it is...one of my favorites!
I would love for you to once again practice using the strategy Somebody Wanted But So to write me a short summary of the story. You might want to write out your SWBS statements beforehand and then put them together into a summary before you attempt to post on the blog...just a suggestion! Remember to first put your summary into an Appleworks or Word document, be sure to save, then copy and paste it into the comment window on the blog.
I will write to you tomorrow and send you some new pictures. I have a brand new cast! Wait til you see it!
Mrs. H

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A little summary, please! #2

Since you have been working with the strategy "Somebody Wanted But So" (SWBS) recently to help you with writing summaries, I thought I'd ask you to use those skills for responding to this week's blog.
Using SWBS and the book you are independently reading, write me a short summary of what's happened so far. You might want to write out your SWBS statements beforehand and then put them together into a summary before you attempt to post on the blog...just a suggestion! Remember to first put your summary into an Appleworks or Word document, be sure to save, then copy and paste it into the comment window on the blog.
Can't wait to hear about what you're reading now!
Mrs. H.

Yesterday I had a visitor...

This is a totally unbelievable story...I'll tell is as best as I can remember!
Yesterday afternoon I was sitting in our recliner (the place to find me these days!) with my trusty laptop. I had just had a really nice visit from Mrs. Showalter and her husband and wasn't expecting anyone else except my hubby coming home from work.
I heard a car pull into the driveway and puzzled over who it could be. I leaned out as far as I could, craning to see who was coming. All of a sudden I was looking at none other than Jason Wright making faces at me through the window. It's a good thing I was already sitting down, otherwise it could have been disastrous!
I motioned for him to come in (at least I think I did...I was so flabbergasted, it's a little blurry!)
Anyway, he came in, greeted me, and proceeded to tell me what an easy time he had finding my house, and how pretty it was in this area, and whatever else I don't recall. I was just stupidly staring with my mouth dropped open, I know. Finally I asked him what on earth he was doing, and he said, "Well, after getting mauled by a dog this summer, and now crashing down out of a tree, I thought you might need a little cheering up so I brought you these. I knew you couldn't be at the signing, so I thought I'd deliver them in person and sign them for you." In his hands were copies of his two soon-to-be-released books, Christmas Jars Reunion and Penny's Christmas Jar Miracle. Was I cheered up? Enough to last the rest of my life! After that we sat and visited like two old friends.
This man is so unbelievably kind and caring, the best, and I am so blessed that God allowed our paths to cross last year. I know that some of my former students were forever changed after reading Christmas Jars and getting to meet him in person. And not just my students...I was too. I'm honored to call him a friend.

P.S. I told him no one would ever believe me that he came to visit, so he ran out to his car, got his iPhone, and took my picture!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Welcome to a New School Year! (#1)

Hello guys, and welcome to our classroom reading blog! This is where we will be sharing responses to all sorts of reading related things this year. I can't believe that we have already finished two weeks of school, the Labor Day weekend is over, and here we are back again! I don't know about you, but it feels like we have been in school longer than just two weeks! I feel very comfortable with all my students and classes and am looking forward to a great year! Hopefully everyone enjoyed their long weekend, and now we can get down to some serious blogging!
Okay...we spent last week establishing that reading should be important to you, and maybe it is. However, there is always the chance that it isn't - and that's okay too. This what I want to center the discussion around this week - the importance of reading to you. I want you to:
1. Share your honest feelings about reading. (Please use complete sentences - no one or two word responses!) Tell me honestly how you feel about reading.
2. Now discuss why you feel the way you do. What happened along the way to make you feel like you do about reading?
Remember to keep all language appropriate - and have fun!